Personal Enhancement and Development
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User Test Results

User Name: Unknown
Test Date: Jul 19 2024 1:58PM
Test Result: Green Group. Tool Experts



Creative Users of Tools

"Tool Experts"

From the outside, "Tool" Experts aren't exactly what one would describe as a beehive of activity. They save their energy until something worthwhile comes around. Once in motion, watch out!! A frenzy of intelligent activity begins.

They enjoy having the freedom to work by themselves and need little supervision to complete a job once they start.

Tool' Experts enjoy efficiency - especially at work. They're great at knowing what is necessary to get the job done and what procedures aren't worth their time. For this reason, they often feel uncomfortable with an overkill of policies and procedures. They're very capable of getting the job done, and on time, but they'll do it at their own pace, in their own way.

They are often good with their hands and enjoy applying their technical knowledge in logical, practical ways. They are great with numbers and figures. They excel at mechanical and engineering skills.

Of all the personality styles, they re among the least talkative. They either feel uncomfortable, or don't see the need to express themselves any more than necessary. Again, this is partly because of their nature to conserve energy for that which they perceive as being important. Too much talking and they are likely to head out and do their own thing, distancing themselves from the impractical ideas of others. Because of this they can appear cold and insensitive to the needs of others. But, in truth, "Tool" Experts could more accurately be described as free-spirited. They need their space and they respect others' need for the same.


Relationship Secrets

  Motivated By
  • Cooperation.
  • Enjoyment of action.
  • Freedom.
  • Immediate rewards.
  • Service to others.
  • Spontaneity.
  •   Relationship Hints
  • Be patient with them.
  • Don't overload them with a lot of rules and regulations.
  • Give them plenty of space to do their thing at their own pace.
  • Let them go through whatever experiences they choose.
  • Respect this person's point of view - they love to talk. Listen with empathy.
  •   Communication Hints
  • Ask questions and then allow them the opportunity to speak their minds without rushing to (judgment. Listen with empathy.
  • Be open and straight-forward with them but never overbearing. Offer plenty of options.
  • Be prepared to provide practical, real-life applications of ideas.
  • Present ideas/thoughts in a friendly, cooperative manner while demonstrating the benefits for both the group and individual.
  • See other secrets: