Personal Enhancement and Development
A guide to understanding people
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User Test Results

User Name: Unknown
Test Date: Sep 7 2023 10:03AM
Test Result: Green Group. Impulsive Players



Creative Users of Tools

"Impulsive Players"

Work and play are often the same thing for "Impulsive Players" - especially if the activity involves making real contributions to the lives of others. They have strong inner values that guide what they do. They usually prefer doing their thing by themselves but in a supportive, friendly environment.

Formal education in a rigid environment tends to smother this personality style. They prefer learning things through experiencing them. Real life is their best schoolmaster. Furthermore, experiencing the process of doing things is generally more fulfilling than the final product.

They greatly respect the privacy of others to allow plenty of room for personal growth and development.

"Impulsive Players" adapt well to change and are among the first to try new things, especially if it can be used for recreation.

They don't like to lose out on what can be experienced right now, so they don't hesitate to postpone a deadline if something more mportant comes along. They can be impulsive and enjoy freedom. This does not mean they are undisciplined. This personality style can practice developing a skill for hours on end, but it s usually for self-gratification. They can perform wonderfully in front of others, but like James Taylor, they do it for their own pleasure rather than to draw attention to themselves.


Relationship Secrets

  Motivated By
  • Cooperation.
  • Enjoyment of action.
  • Freedom.
  • Immediate rewards.
  • Service to others.
  • Spontaneity.
  •   Relationship Hints
  • Be patient with them.
  • Don't overload them with a lot of rules and regulations.
  • Give them plenty of space to do their thing at their own pace.
  • Let them go through whatever experiences they choose.
  • Respect this person's point of view - they love to talk. Listen with empathy.
  •   Communication Hints
  • Ask questions and then allow them the opportunity to speak their minds without rushing to (judgment. Listen with empathy.
  • Be open and straight-forward with them but never overbearing. Offer plenty of options.
  • Be prepared to provide practical, real-life applications of ideas.
  • Present ideas/thoughts in a friendly, cooperative manner while demonstrating the benefits for both the group and individual.
  • See other secrets: