Personal Enhancement and Development
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User Test Results

User Name: Unknown
Test Date: Jan 10 2023 11:21AM
Test Result: Yellow Group. Selfless Servants



Defender of Truth and Rights

"Selfless Servants"

Dependability, reliability and a strong work ethic are hallmarks of this personality type. However, these skills can be overlooked and even taken advantage of by others. This is because, by nature, "Selfless Servants" avoid drawing attention to themselves. It would be highly unusual for them to toot their own horn about their accomplishments or the compassionate service they so often render. Ironically, they may become puzzled after devoting themselves to a task or cause without receiving deserved recognition.

Because of this lack of deserved recognition, they may also underestimate their worth. They are likely to question over and over in their minds whether their efforts were adequate to meet the needs of those whom they try to please in business and personal relationships.

Those close to this personality style may often wonder why they don't simply "stand up for themselves" and ask for what they deserve. But because they shy away from confrontation, they will do everything possible to avoid conflict even if it means giving up something on their part.

They make loyal employees and devote themselves wholeheartedly to causes that are n alignment with their deeply held values. They are likely to develop strong, personal relationships. These relationships are relatively few, however, outside family circles. Within family circles these relationships are warm and intimate. Selfless Servants make wonderfully reliable, devoted friends and spouses.


Relationship Secrets

  Motivated By
  • Belonging.
  • Cooperation.
  • Reliability.
  • Security.
  • Stability.
  • The need to serve others.
  •   Relationship Hints
  • Be dependable. Make every effort possible to follow through with commitments made to this type of person.
  • Outwardly recognize their efforts and give plenty of positive feedback. Express appreciation for their ability and willingness to help.
  • Respect this person's point of view - listen with empathy.
  •   Communication Hints
  • Be logical and follow a step-by-step process in communication. Be prepared to provide practical, real-life applications of ideas.
  • Present a clear-cut outline of what is expected. Avoid being vague or using generalities.
  • Present ideas/thoughts in a friendly, cooperative manner while demonstrating the benefits for both the group and individual.
  • See other secrets: